The Last Lecture

“What wisdom would you impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance? If you were gone tomorrow, what would you want to be your legacy?”

The Last Lecture fleshes out Pausch's lecture and discusses everything he wanted his children to know after his pancreatic cancer had taken his life. It includes stories of his childhood, lessons he wants his children to learn, and things he wants his children to know about him. He repeatedly stresses that one should have fun in everything one does, and that one should live life to its fullest because one never knows when it might be taken.

This book was definitely emotional and meaningful, but I can’t exactly say it’s very profound advice that he is giving. Still, this is a touching book about remembering what's important in life and to always chase your childhood dreams, no matter what. I can relate very heavily to Pausch’s intense desire to “leave a mark on the world'“ and to “leave behind a legacy by going out with an bang” however I can’t help but feel his obsession with The Last Lecture wasn’t exactly what he needed in his final months. I can’t help but to think of the potential negative impacts it had on his wife and his three kids but at the same time I really do understand his mentality. Overall I would recommend, and it is a pretty short read. It isn’t exactly breakthrough sage advice you will be reading, however The Last Lecture is full of heart and character.


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